Why I’m doing this

The title of this blog is more than just a clever entirely predictable play on the famous line from the show’s theme song. It’s also me talking to myself, addressing the fact that after countless failed attempts at sticking to a writing routine, I may just have stumbled upon a blog topic that helps me get my reps in(*).

(*) Not sure where I first heard this concept of “getting your reps in” used in a non-sports sense, but it definitely applies to me and writing. Just like a quarterback trying to learn a new system, anyone trying to get better at anything needs practice. I want to get better at writing, and I’m not enrolling in an MFA program anytime soon, so my best bet is to get my writing reps in any form I can.

Hadn’t thought about The Mary Tyler Moore Show in years. I used to watch it on summer nights with my mom in the mid-’90s (when the Pirate game wasn’t on KBL of course). Of all the old sitcoms reruns I was introduced to by my mom or Nick at Nite, MTM was my favorite.

But last week the series premiere of HBO’s Girls(*) made a passing reference was made to the main characters falling asleep to a MTM rerun. And those fond Nick at Nite memories came rushing back.

(*) I had read so much about the creator of this show (she’s done so much at such a young age!) in the build-up to its premiere, that my subconscious receptors were probably open to inspiration.  

So that inspired me to look the show up on YouTube. I picked a random episode from the 3rd or 4th season. I don’t remember having seen it before, and that got me thinking. I probably haven’t seen a lot of these episodes. I should go back and watch this show from the beginning rather than watch episodes at random.

Well, they made 168 episodes. 24 per season for 7 years, 1970 to 1977.

Not only should I go back and watch these–I could blog them. I like TV and stuff from the ’70s, so watching these shows could inspire me to explore a whole host of topics and angles to write about.

The important thing is the writing. I really don’t care what I’m writing about right now, I just need to get myself to write.

Gotta get my reps in.

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